Overcome the sensing frontiers with optical measurement
As part of its diversification, SCAIME a recently acquired the activities of FOS, French start-up specializing in fiber optics measurement. This acquisition allows SCAIME to integrate a new technology implemented and validated by major actors in the domains of wind energy, civil engineering, shipbuilding and petrochemistry.
Based upon its experience in industrial measurement, SCAIME is now able to offer a full range of fiber optics measurement solutions including sensors for strain, temperature and acceleration and optoelectronic monitoring units
Based on Bragg grating technology, our fiber optics sensors present a set of characteristics opening new horizons for measurement:
- Insensitivity to electromagnetic interferences, resistant to water and corrosion and intrinsically non explosive, they allow measurements totally secured in harsh environments.
- Highly resistant to fatigue, they provide measurements on permanently stressed structures during more than 20 years.
- Sensors can be spread over several kilometers, thus measurement can be done over very long distances.
SCAIME was recently granted by Rhône-Alpes region in the frame of INNOV’R. This k€ 85 subsidy will allow SCAIME to develop a measurement system for the monitoring of mechanical stresses suffered by wind turbines. This measurement system will allow the optimization of numerous wind turbine parameters with for stakes:
- Increasing wind turbine efficiency.
- Wings and gearbox lifetime extension
- Decreasing turbine’s energy consumption through less wings heating.
With its headquarters located in Annemasse (France) and powerful ISO9001:2008 certified manufacturing facilities in France and China, SCAIME has for many years combined renowned technological know-how with a strategy of continuous innovation.
Since it was founded in 1983, SCAIME has stood out as the #1 French manufacturer in the field of load cells and ranks among the world leaders, exporting 50% of the production in more than 60 countries.
SCAIME also provides solutions in the field of physical parameters measurement with a wide range of force, torque, pressure and displacement transducers together with an extensive choice of electronics allowing analog or digital signal processing.