PCB Piezotronics Expands HUMS Product Offering
August 7, 2006, Depew, NY, USA – The Vibration Division of PCB Piezotronics, Inc., (PCB®) has expanded its line of Health & Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) products, to include new ICP®, charge output and high temperature sensors. HUMS products are designed for in-flight monitoring and predictive maintenance of critical flight systems on helicopters and some fixed wing aircraft.
PCB® HUMS sensors feature a robust design, are available in either ICP® or charge output designs, with top or side exit electrical connectors, and in a variety of hermetically sealed physical configurations. High temperature versions operate up to +900 ºF (+482 ºC); with a ± 500 g pk measurement range; and in frequencies of up to 15k Hz. Also available is the new Model 495B10 differential charge converter, operating from aircraft power, will condition the signal of a charge output accelerometer, enabling it to be used by standard data acquisition equipment.
PCB® manufactures a variety of aerospace sensors and signal conditioners for flutter test; load factor measurement; structural dynamics; acoustics and turbulent flow; control system input and response tests; engine/airframe and aircraft carrier qualification; and troubleshooting. For additional information on aerospace accelerometers, contact the Vibration Division of PCB Piezotronics, Inc. on +001 716 684 0001; E-mail: vibration@pcb.com; or fax on +001 716 685 3886. For other PCB products, contact PCB directly on +001 716 684 0001, or visit our web site at www.pcb.com.
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