Pewatron 25 Year Anniversary
PEWATRON: With this passing October we could reflect with pride on 25 years of PEWATRON supplying Sensors, Power supplies and Electronic components to the European market. What started off as a small family owned and operated business is now a specialised leader in its field. While the company has grown strongly both in terms of the markets served and the breadth of products it has not been done at the expense of the personal touch that makes the PEWATRON difference. With virtually all information available today on-line one would expect that the need for face-to-face conversations would decline. However, we have been seeing that even the ‘Generation Y’ or digital natives are complementing their web searches with meetings together with our experienced staff to find or develop the right product.
In times of uncertainty there seems to be a human trait which conjures up nostalgic images of times gone past, but in this case I am certain, that, while not a grand ‘backlash’ towards social media , a re-discovery of personal meetings to share insights and to leverage PEWATRON’s know-how is taking place.
While a lot has taken place the past 25 years in terms of technology and its impact on society, we have not forgotten our roots and what makes us a solid partner to work with in the future as in the past.
Of course none of this would have been possible without you, our customers and partners. Your loyalty, support and demand for quality products have formed PEWATRON into its present shape and form. For this I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks on behalf of all the staff here at PEWATRON.