PI Ceramic publishes new catalog "Piezoelectric Actuators"
70-Page Product Catalog and Reference Book on Piezo Technology Combined in One Single Publication
PI Ceramic publishes its new product catalog "Piezoelectric Actuators - Components, Technologies, Operation". The new edition contains all standard products in the area of piezo actuators as well as detailed information on the principles of piezo technology. It also contains an overview of the suitable piezo amplifiers from PI (Physik Instrumente), which can be used to operate the actuators.
In addition to the existing product range, PI Ceramic presents many new multilayer piezo actuators and classical piezo stack actuators. These include encapsulated PICMA® multilayer actuators, round PICMA® multilayer bending actuators and stacked PICA Shear actuators for use in cryogenic and vacuum environments.
For every product there are graphics and data tables besides information on possible product modifications and the fields of application. PI Ceramic sets the highest priority on a flexible response to customer requests and the ability to manufacture customized products in varying quantities.
The second part of the catalog contains a comprehensive explanation of the principles of piezo technology, the manufacturing process, operation and applications of the different types of piezo actuators together with detailed drawings. Moreover, it includes reliability and lifetime calculations for actuators, explanations of the temperature-dependent behavior of actuators and their application under different ambient conditions.
The catalog is available for download at www.piceramic.com or will be sent to you on request.
Since 1992, PI Ceramic (PIC) has been developing and manufacturing piezo ceramic materials and components for standard and OEM solutions: Piezo components, ultrasonic transducers, actuators, and system solutions. The PICMA® multilayer actuator technology, which received an award for its reliability, is one of many innovations of PIC. PI Ceramic, a subsidiary of PI (Physik Instrumente), is located in the city of Lederhose, Thuringia, Germany.