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Pilz at “all about automation” 2021 in Wetzlar, Chemnitz and Essen - Safety & security made to measure

Pilz at “all about automation” 2021 in Wetzlar, Chemnitz and Essen - Safety & security made to measure

04 August 2021

Individual, reliable safeguarding of danger zones using modular solutions for safety and security. At the regional industrial automation exhibitions “all about automation”, the automation expert Pilz will be showing how tailor-made safety gate systems can safely control access to plant and machinery. The world's first modular safety relay myPNOZ in batch size 1 will also be a feature of the stand. The innovative safety relay can be assembled individually via the online tool myPNOZ Creator, without any programming knowledge.

In Wetzlar, Chemnitz and Essen, Pilz will be presenting holistic solutions including comprehensive services in safe automation. Another thematic focus is access management, along with safe sensor technology PSEN for guard locking.

Individual safety gate guarding, implemented safely

The focus is on safety gate guarding with tailor-made safety gate solutions: on the exhibition stand Pilz will use a model to demonstrate the different options and versions. The safe, mechanical safety gate system PSENmech with guard locking represents an economical, basic solution for safe monitoring of movable guards. It keeps the safety gate safely closed until the hazardous machine movement has stopped and prevents an unintended restart of the hazardous movement. Pilz is presenting the PSENmlock handle module with integrated escape release as a solution for more complex applications. This is available as an option within the safety gate system PSENmlock. It guarantees the user a high degree of flexibility. Thanks to safe interlocking and safe guard locking, the safety gate system offers personal and process protection up to the highest category PL e.

Operation made simple

Safe guard locking and compatible sensor technology is another subject covered by the automation specialist: With the control unit PITgatebox Pilz is placing the focus on new, preconfigured versions with combinations of pushbuttons, key switches and emergency stop pushbuttons for simple operation of safety gate systems. The PITgatebox version with integrated reader unit PITreader enables safe access control to plant and machinery. Users receive their individual permission on a coded RFID key and use this to authenticate themselves on the safety gate: as such the machinery is perfectly protected against misuse or even manipulation.

Experience safe sensor technology live

Visitors can use a light curtain model to test how users can safeguard danger zones on multiple sides using the light curtain PSENopt II, live on site on the Pilz stand. The Pilz light curtains for finger, hand and body protection are the only light curtains on the market designed up to the highest category PL e and equipped with an extremely high shock resistance of 50g. As such they comply with the highest shock class defined by the standard and ensure higher plant availability in rugged environments in which vibration or collisions prevail. What's more, they are the world’s first UL-certified Type 3 safety light curtains and so meet the requirements for electrical and functional safety in the USA and Canada. This is a benefit to machine builders, particularly if they export into these markets.

Create individual safety simply online

Also part of the package: the new modular safety relay myPNOZ, which monitors emergency stop, safety gate, light curtain, two-hand IIIA/C and enabling switch safety functions. It is delivered pre-assembled, set up and tested and so is a completely individualised system, ready to install. The logic operations for the safety functions are pre-defined via the plug-in sequence, so no programming knowledge is required. In the corresponding online tool myPNOZ Creator you can assemble a needs-based safety solution from a wide range of options. Visitors to the stand can use a practical model to discover the “internal combinational logic” of myPNOZ and create “their own” safety solution live via the myPNOZ Creator. What’s more, myPNOZ is the hot topic of the Talk Lounge at all about automation 2021.

Talk about safety & security

Above and beyond what’s on offer on the stand, in the Talk Lounge at the regional exhibition Pilz experts will be expanding on the subject of batch size 1, using the safety relay myPNOZ as an example. At the venues Pilz will be providing information in the “Safety & Security” session, in the presentation entitled “Achieve your tailor-made safety with myPNOZ”. The presentation series is available to all visitors free of charge.

Pilz is exhibiting at all about automation in Wetzlar (SPECIAL Edition) (08.-09.09.2021, Hall E0, Stand 225), Chemnitz (22.-23.09.2021) and Essen (27.-28.10.2021, Hall 1, Stand 440).

  • Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
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    Germany / Europe
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