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Pilz at maintenance Dortmund, Hall 4, Stand A31-4 – complete solutions for efficient and safe maintenance

Pilz at maintenance Dortmund, Hall 4, Stand A31-4 – complete solutions for efficient and safe maintenance

23 February 2022

Pilz is an exhibitor at the leading trade fair for industrial maintenance, “maintenance” in Dortmund. From 30 to 31 March 2022, the automation company will be presenting safe solutions for tailored retrofit measures as well as comprehensive services for efficient maintenance. Pilz experts explain how these – when implemented and maintained correctly – protect employees during maintenance work and optimise the availability and productivity of machinery over the long-term.

The central focus of Pilz’s presence at the exhibition is the safe complete solution for access and guard locking management. It is comprised of the modular operating mode selection and access permission system PITmode fusion, which enables efficient access control management. The system covers both safety and security specifications at the same time. For this purpose, the reading unit PITreader controls the access permissions of the machine. In combination with the sensor and control portfolio, Pilz offers complete guarding of access points: from a safety switch for movable guards that prevents the performance of a hazardous machine function after a safety gate is opened, to the door handle module and pushbutton units, to the configurable small controllers PNOZmulti 2.

Tailor-made safety

Also being shown in Dortmund: The modular safety relay myPNOZ – a safe and economical complete solution. myPNOZ reliably monitors safety functions such as E-STOP and safety gate and can be put together individually without any programming knowledge using the online tool myPNOZ Creator. That saves time and costs during implementation. Visitors can experience the simplicity of the Creator live.

Pilz presentation: Safe & compliant inspection!

As part of the “Solution Center”, Pilz experts at maintenance will also give a presentation to provide helpful tips on the inspection of electrosensitive protective equipment (ESPE) such as safety light curtains or safety light barriers. Pilz offers support here with a service offer for the entire lifecycle or even for individual phases of the machinery. These include inspections of safeguards, in other words repeat tests in accordance with industrial safety regulations.

If you would like to learn more about the comprehensive international service offer with consulting, engineering and training, a visit to Pilz’s exhibition stand will answer all your questions. In particular, the focus is on offers for safety-related inspections of machinery and safety devices as well as machine retrofits for safe operation of machinery.

  • Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
    Felix-Wankel-Str. 2
    73760 Ostfildern
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.:+49 (0)711 / 3409-0
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