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Pilz Award 2016 for the top suppliers - Thomas Pilz: Values are the basis of good business relationships

Pilz Award 2016 for the top suppliers - Thomas Pilz: Values are the basis of good business relationships

15 June 2017

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG: The automation company Pilz from Ostfildern near Stuttgart has presented its five top suppliers with the Pilz Award 2016. The awards were presented by Thomas Pilz, Managing Partner of Pilz, during an official ceremony. The family business uses the Pilz Award to recognise outstanding quality, high delivery reliability and partnership-based cooperation.

"In our business, constructive cooperation with suppliers guarantees the quality of our products from the start. Our partners contribute through high flexibility, reliability and competence, using tailored logistics solutions". That's the view of Thomas Pilz, Managing Partner of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG.

Quality level, delivery reliability and cooperation were the criteria applied in the assessment. All the award-winning companies convinced as a result of tailored logistics solutions, with high flexibility, absolute reliability and outstanding competence.

Award-winners included the connector manufacturers ept GmbH (Peiting), pk components GmbH (Wendelstein) and Würth Elektronik Stelvio Kontek S.p.A. (Oggiono, Italy), plastic components supplier STEWO Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG (Helmbrechts-Haide) and cable supplier TKD KABEL GmbH (Pliezhausen).

During the ceremony for the "Pilz Award 2016", Thomas Pilz stressed the significance of values in business relationships: "In just the same way that rubbing along with your fellow humans in private life depends on common rules and codes of behaviour, cooperation within the company is based on a time-honoured bedrock of values", said Pilz. These include mutual appreciation and treating one another with respect, as well as honesty, openness, loyalty, reliability, helpfulness and diligence.

  • Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
    Felix-Wankel-Str. 2
    73760 Ostfildern
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.:+49 (0)711 / 3409-0
    Fax:+49 (0)711 / 3409 - 133
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