Pilz series of seminars on electrosensitive protective equipment, for implementation of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and for safe drive technology - Safety "on the road again"
In 2018, Pilz will again make stopovers all over Germany with its series of presentations "Automation on Tour". Beyond the series of seminars "Safe Operation of Plant and Machinery" and the workshop "Safe Motion", the series of seminars "Safe automation" places the electrosensitive protective equipment (ESPE) at the centre.
How to use ESPE correctly
The series of seminars "Safe automation" communicates expertise on all aspects of selection and use of ESPE to the participants. The focus is on light guards and laser scanners. We will present application areas and technologies and the requirements with regard to approach speeds. The series of seminars will also consider ESPE special functions such as muting, blanking, and cascading. The seminar content is closely based on practice: All the contents are illustrated by way of example, using easy to understand sample applications.
Implementing Ordinance on Industrial Safety – expertise
The proven series of seminars "Safe operation of plant and machinery" fundamentally focuses on the requirements of the new "Ordinance on Industrial Safety" (BetrSichV in Germany). The risk assessment of machines and the assessment of the state of the art are central issues. The series of practical seminars also explains how machine operators can become machine manufacturers. Using sample applications, the participants learn what is important when assessing significant changes of machines. The series of seminars also shows how to prevent manipulation of protective devices by applying the correct safety and operating concept.
Safe motion at the focus
The workshop "Safe Motion" focuses on aspects of productivity increase by safe drive technology. Together with the Pilz experts, the participants work out the entire process. Using a small press with hand insertion point as an example, issues such as overrun measurement and reaction times of the used components are simulated. Further steps include, among others, the calculation and parameter settings of the Safe Motion functions, and verification, validation, and safety check in accordance with EN ISO 13849. All the workshops "Safe Motion" are made in small groups, so that we can guarantee intensive support.
All the seminars can be booked from 8 weeks before the event.