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PIVeriMove simulation software for Hexapod systems protects against collisions

31 July 2013

The new PIVeriMove simulation software from PI (Physik Instrumente) increases the operational safety of Hexapod systems.

With their six degrees of freedom, PI's parallel-kinematics Hexapod systems allow for a flexible positioning of loads in the workspace. However, it is important that structures on the Hexapod's platform, and the Hexapod itself, are not allowed to come into contact with nearby objects.

The new simulation software developed by PI (Physik Instrumente) can graphically represent the Hexapod's operating environment, and simulate its movements within that environment. It is easy to configure any objects present: These are either defined directly within PIVeriMove starting from basic shapes such as cylinders and cuboids, or can be imported by means of CAD data with a selectable level of detail. Based on these data the simulation software calculates the distances between the Hexapod and any obstacles, and the resulting travel ranges.

But PIVeriMove can do far more than just simulate platform positions: It also allows configurations to be stored directly on the controller. PIVeriMove checks each position before the Hexapod adopts it, in order to avoid positions and trajectories that would result in a collision.

Particularly applications involving sharply-delineated workspaces and the positioning of highly-sensitive objects can benefit from PIVeriMove. With PIVeriMove, it is easy to define e. g. the walls of a vacuum chamber, sensitive measurement setups on the platform or elements of a production line as objects and to add them to the simulation.

PIVeriMove is available for all PI Hexapod systems.

PI in Brief
Well-known for the high quality of its products, PI (Physik Instrumente) has been one of the leading players in the global market for precision positioning technology for many years. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard and OEM products with piezo or motor drives for 40 years now. With four sites in Germany and ten sales and service offices abroad, the PI Group is represented internationally.

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