Pressure Sensors of Flexible and Reliable Electrical Interface
BCM SENSOR is proud to present two new options of pressure sensors which are integrated with flexible flat cable (FFC). As an example, this newsletter announces the newly released ceramic pressure sensors of the two options, as shown in the picture below.
Such the FFC features excellent flexibility and weldability, resulting in easy handling and reliable electrical interface of the pressure sensors.
The difference between these two options of FFC is their insulation material. The yellow insulation material is Kapton, while the white one is Nomex. More specifications of these two types of FFC are listed below:
Kapton FFC Nomex FFC
- working temperature range: -40~+125°C -40~+125°C
- dielectric strength (*): 12.2kV 1kV
(*): FFC of 50 μm insulation and 50 μm foil
The datasheets of the mentioned pressure sensor can be find via the following link: http://www.bcmsensor.com/products/pressure-sensors/model-301b-mono-block-ceramic-pressure-sensors/
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