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Pressure Transmitters for Industry: the Choice is Yours

Pressure Transmitters for Industry: the Choice is Yours

12 January 2009

Keller AG, the pressure measurement specialists, can meet spontaneous requests from customers with expertise, thanks to its ultramodern production, compensation and calibration processes. The Series 21 G is the latest fruit of more than 30 years’ experience in pressure measurement. The pressure port and all parts in contact with the media are made of stainless steel, Keller use an ingenious heat treatment process to ensure maximum stability.

Series 21 G is an excellent example of our OEM products. The structure is highly modular, and the production concept is based on quantities of several thousand units. The user defines the key features as appropriate to the specific measuring task: pressure connection, measuring range, temperature compensation, output signal format, etc.

Even in the widest temperature range from -40 °C to +135 °C, the typical error band remains within 2,0 %FS (Full Scale). The smallest measurement range provided is 0…5 bar (absolute or relative), and the largest is 0…200 bar (absolute). The two totally different output signals make our Series 21 G transmitters available for a wide range of industrial applications: 4…20 mA with 2-wire technology, or 0,5…4,5 V (ratiometric) with 3-wire technology. Depending on the electrical connection, these pressure transmitters achieve housing protection classes of up to IP67, although they only weigh about 30 g and are less than 40 mm long.

According to Keller AG, the manufacturer, the ‘G’ in the type designation stands for ‘Graduate’ - denoting a product that has passed its suitability test with flying colours.

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