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Quality is not a vision

Quality is not a vision

01 March 2017
SICK at Interpack 2017

Waldkirch, March 2017 – At Interpack 2017, SICK will present itself as the supplier of a wide range of sensors for the consumer goods industry. The products, systems and services that it puts on display will include compact, easily integrated devices, configurable stand-alone solutions and programmable high-speed cameras. As well as individual components, the sensor manufacturer offers a comprehensive portfolio of technological solutions to meet individual customers' requirements.

SICK will focus in particular on quality assurance at Interpack. The fast throughput speeds and short cycle times of production lines and machines in the packaging industry allow for high productivity. However, this can only be achieved if a comprehensive quality control system is in place. SICK will present new solutions consisting of its own modules and integrable functions from image processing libraries that offer intelligent support for the packaging industry in areas such as quality assurance, traceability, object data acquisition and preventive maintenance.

A 3D inspection system is the ideal solution in this area. It can reliably identify faulty product features, incomplete packaging units and inadequate labeling. The data and measurements produced by the vision sensors and their integration into real-time fieldbus environments enable them to provide valuable information that can be used in today's manufacturing plants and in the smart factories of the future. The vision sensors have the necessary intelligent detection, measurement, assessment and communication functions to allow for future-proof process and quality controls in the context of Industry 4.0.

About: SICK is one of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. Founded in 1946 by Dr.-Ing. e. h. Erwin Sick, the company with headquarters in Waldkirch im Breisgau near Freiburg ranks among the technological market leaders. With more than 50 subsidiaries and equity investments as well as numerous agencies, SICK maintains a presence around the globe. In the fiscal year 2015, SICK had more than 7,400 employees worldwide and achieved Group sales of just under EUR 1.3 billion.

    Erwin-Sick-Str. 1
    79183 Waldkirch
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49 7681 202-0
    Fax: +49 7681 202-3863
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