Radio System for Temperature Measuring
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH offers in his product range a new Radio System for transmitting Temperature Data’s.
The system operates in small low-energy Radio-Networks, according to the international standard IEEE 802.15.4 within the licence free 2.4GHz band. One Network may operate up to 15 sending units and one repeater. Multiple Networks may operate parallel at the same time. The maximum Operating Range is up to 300m (328yd) in an open area with an external mounted antenna. In buildings a maximum Operating Range of 50m (55yd) may be reached. Four freely programmable analogue outputs, 0 – 10V, enable an analyzing of the Radio Signal. A RS485 - or alternatively a RS232 – Connection output is as digital output additional available.
The Sending Unit may operate Pt100, Pt1000 and multiple Mineral Insulated Thermocouples. A 3.3V lithium battery is used as power supply, with a minimum lifetime of 2 years. Receiver and Repeater power supply are requiring a 24VDC