Register now for the MicroControl J1939 webinar
Webinar J1939
Register now for the MicroControl J1939 webinar: The webinar revises the CAN basics and further develops your skills of the typical J1939 specifications.
Date: 05 / 06 October 2021, from 2.00 – 6.00 pm (German time)
The webinar is held in two compact parts of 4 hours each at fixed dates via Zoom. Access information will be sent by email.
Webinar contents are:
- overview of J1939 specifications
- contrast ISO-Bus and NMEA2000
- physical layer (J1939-1x)
- data link layer & protocols (J1939-21)
- parameter groups (PG)
- application layer (J1939-71)
- diagnosis (J1939-73)
- network management (J1939-81)
- system design
- analysis and trouble shooting
- sample applications
MicroControl‘s online webinars – always up-to-date and application-oriented – about CAN, CANopen and J1939 as well as ICA-, Bus- and control technology. Improve your skills, keep up with the latest developments – and gain the competitive edge for your company.
Do not miss the opportunity! Contact us to get an offer