Retrofitting Sensor-Solutions from eddylab GmbH
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Otterfing, 12.10.2021 Sudden breakdowns, unplanned repairs, costly failures - the worst-case scenarios for industrial plants and machines are always associated with trouble and high costs. With eddylab's retrofitting sensor solutions, customers can now significantly extend the life span of their machines and production facilities.
A retrofit is about adapting an old machine to the current technical conditions: Especially with older machines without specific sensor technology, no data or values on the machine condition are recorded. This is where eddylab GmbH comes in by, for example, retrofitting old existing machines with sensors for position measurement and control. As part of predictive maintenance, these retrofits can detect failures at an early stage and avoid costly maintenance
We are increasingly receiving inquiries from customers who are looking for alternatives for their existing sensor technology due to procurement problems - for example, discontinuation of a product or extreme delivery times. In this case, we can offer sensor solutions that are specifically tailored to the given installation situation," explains Christian Schrick, CEO and Production Manager at eddylab GmbH. For customers, this results in two advantages at once: An increase in the performance of their plant as well as reliable delivery times.
eddylab GmbH specializes in meeting complex customer-specific requirements and can thus draw on its many years of development experience for eddylab retrofit solutions.
About eddylab
eddylab is a modern company, which passionately designs, constructs, and produces sensors for the measurement of distances and positions. We eventually provide entire system solutions. The company’s product portfolio includes eddy current probes, inductive transducers, draw wire sensors, digital gauges, digital rulers, digital magnetic scales, display controls, signal conditioner and encoders. Besides our standard products in stock for a plenitude of industrial applications our strength is the development of custom-made sensors. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop ultra-precise sensors true to the motto "sensors – built to perform"