Second version of scanCONTROL Configuration Tools now available
Micro-Epsilon has just launched a new version of its scanCONTROL Configuration Tools software, enabling scanCONTROL laser scanners to be configured quickly and easily using a Windows PC. All sensor settings can be carried out using the software. In addition, profiles can be displayed, loaded, saved and exported.
The software really comes into its own with scanCONTROL SMART sensors. The basic principle of the tool is to split a measurement task into individual sub-measurements, such as edge, angle, extreme value, groove or seam. These sub-measurements are combined on the graphical user interface to form complex measurement tasks. The result is a Plug&Play solution for individual measurement tasks - without the need for any programming skills. In this way, complex measurement tasks, such as measuring gaps or flushness, with simultaneous data evaluation with all the interfaces required, can be set up and configured directly and easily on the sensor controller. The software also provides possible set up parameters for all other sensor models, although this data cannot be saved to the sensor.
To help users familiarise themselves with the software, it is supplied with sample profiles on which all functions can be tried out and tested.
If users are convinced by the software’s ease-of-use, purchasing a laser scanner can then be considered. Download Configuration Tools at www.micro-epsilon.de