SenseAir AB Raises Productivity
SenseAir has been accepted by the “Raising Productivity” (Produktionslyftet) programme. Now starts an 18-month journey towards higher productivity. Produktionslyftet is a national campaign to strengthen competitiveness in small and medium-sized Swedish companies.
– We are incredibly pleased to have been chosen, and are looking forward confidently to this journey, says Robert Jansson, VP Operations at SenseAir.
The aim of Produktionslyftet is to support and inspire companies to develop their production capacity to world-class levels. With financial support from Vinnova, KK Foundation and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, companies with between 30 and 250 employees receive help in the practical work of change, with Lean as a basic concept.
In practice, this means that a pair of coaches is appointed who are there to provide support and stimulation for 18 months. Lean is an approach which involves identifying those parts of processes which are not value- creative, and trying to eliminate them.
– This suits SenseAir very well at the moment, considering the potential for growth ahead of us. The idea is that the whole company will be permeated by the Lean mindset, and create a foundation for controlled growth, says Robert Jansson, VP Operations.
SenseAir AB is an expanding, innovation-based gas sensor company with an environment-friendly profile, situated in Dellenbygden in Hälsingland, an area of outstanding natural beauty. The company develops and produces infrared gas sensors and has a world-wide market. With 20 years of experience and through cooperation with various high-tech consortiums SenseAir has acquired a large and broad technology base and unique know-how in production methods for gas meters. The company is a world leader in its field. Our sensors can be used for: demand-controlled ventilation, personnel safety, growth maximisation, future health care, indoor and outdoor climate monitoring, energy optimisation etc.
About SenseAir AB
SenseAir AB is an expanding, innovation-based gas sensor company with an environment-friendly profile, situated in Dellenbygden in Hälsingland, an area of outstanding natural beauty. The company develops and produces infrared gas sensors and has a world-wide market. With 20 years of experience and through cooperation with various high-tech consortiums SenseAir has acquired a large and broad technology base and unique know-how in production methods for gas meters. The company is a world leader in its field. Our sensors can be used for: demand-controlled ventilation, personnel safety, growth maximisation, future health care, indoor and outdoor climate monitoring, energy optimisation etc.