Sensonor takes part in a long journey to Mars
Sensonor AS: NASA's remote exploration vehicle, the Curiosity rover just started its exciting exploration of the red planet.
The Curiosity has a large payload of advanced scientific equipment and also includes two high accuracy silicon MEMS pressure sensors for atmospheric analysis. These SW380 silicon MEMS sensor chips are designed and manufactured by Sensonor. We are of course very proud and encouraged by being part of this mission.
This is not the first time that we are part of an exciting distant and demanding mission. The same sensor used in this mission was also used to monitor possible micro leakage in the tires of the landing gears in the NASA's Space Shuttles as well as in air data computers. While having our products in space and in satellites, this is the mission that is the most exiting one of them all.
Like one of the key process engineers to the SW380, Mr. Henning Sorensen, stated; "it is strange to think that I have handled and processed parts that now are on Mars. I had great fun telling this to my kids and friends"
Sensonor formally started its business in 1985; however the development that led to the current business goes back to 1965 when the first basic MEMS research took place. Since then, the company has established a unique competence in designing and manufacturing high precision MEMS products. It is also worthwhile mentioning that the SW380 was the world's first high precession MEMS pressure sensors that was manufactured in some 150 thousand units now installed worldwide.
Sensonor is today in the lead in several areas, and delivery products of the highest performance with exceptional reliability and performance. Today's portfolio of MEMS gyro modules and IMU's are the highest performing and lowest weight solutions commercially available in the market. We are always looking to improve on the existing solutions in the market, building on our competence and pushing the limits of the MEMS technology.