SGX-4 and EC4: 4-series electrochemical cells for industrial gas emission analysis
PEWATRON has released the new 4-series of electrochemical cells (EC) for measurement and control of toxic industrial gases. The 4-series from SGX Sensortech conform to the standards with a diameter of 20mm and all being 3- and 4-electrode type of ECs with a reference electrode to increase sensor response at higher gas concentrations.
The 4-series program from SGX focus on the most important industrial toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen monoxide/dioxide, as well as sensors for chlorine and chlorine oxide. Other gases such as hydrogen, ethylene oxide and phosphine sensors are also included in the product program, as well as a new dual carbon monoxide/hydrogen sulfide 4-electrode sensor with very low cross-sensitivity to other gases. To complement the 4-series of EC gas sensors, oxygen sensors with very long operational lifetime of up to 4 years is also available.
Electrochemical sensors for toxic gasses and oxygen are being recognized as the key product to control and reduce industrial gas emission and to provide safety in installations, where toxic gasses are being used. The sensors in the 4-series is well suited for portable analyzers because of the size and weight.
Standard measurement ranges for the SGX 4-series is referenced to the threshold limit value (TLV) for the gas in question; i.e. levels to which it is believed a worker can be exposed day after day for a working lifetime without adverse health effects, short spot exposure or absolute exposure limit that should not be exceeded at any time. The carbon monoxide EC4 sensors come thus with two ranges; 0…500 ppm and 0…2000 ppm. And, the phosphine EC sensors also come with two ranges; 0…20 ppm and 0…1000 ppm. Chlorine dioxide, a very toxic gas, also come with two ranges; 0…1 ppm and 0… 50 ppm. Please refer to Pewatron for a complete list of 4-series sensors and their individual range capabilities.
PEWATRON specialises in physical and geometrical sensors, power supplies and e-components. PEWATRON delivers a wide assortment of electronic components ranging from standard products, modified standard products or customised solutions. PEWATRON works closely with developers and can be involved right from the start of a product development process to ensure that together with the customer, the best fitting component for the application is found.
PEWATRON, an independent company that belongs to the Angst+Pfister Group, has been serving customers in Europe with prompt and individual service for over 30 years. Through the Angst+Pfister Group, PEWATRON belongs to a world-wide network of over 1000 employees and 60 000 satisfied customers.