Test system from Eltrotec for color LEDs
100 measuring stations tested in parallel
New test system from Eltrotec for color LEDs
To test the function of color LEDs and other self-luminous systems, Eltrotec Sensor GmbH has developed a commercial test and monitoring system which scans up to 100 measuring stations simultaneously. It is more economical than camera systems and more flexible than color sensors.
The test parameters are determined simply via teach-in functions and can be varied to suit the customer. Exposure times, color saturation and brightness assignments, the multiple testing of every individual point and of the ratios between several measurement points in terms of the brightness or color values can be parameterized. In the process, the test for color, intensity and function can be freely configured for each individual measuring station.
The assignment of lights on the test matrix takes place using fiber optics and an adaptor for positioning. The individual fiber optics transport the light to a representation array, which assigns the individual points of light geometrically. If several different PCBs have to be tested in a system, the fiber optics can be separated and supplied to the testing unit using standard industrial multiple connectors. The advantage is that only one test system is required, which can be connected with any number of adapters to create a testing plant. Glass fiber or plastic fiber optics can be used, depending on the application.
Measurements are carried out in the HSI, RGB and XY color spectrum. The HSI and RGB values are transmitted via Ethernet, an RS 232 interface or USB. Up to ten evaluations per second are possible. The test software can be set up with live or stored images and can be post-calibrated easily and quickly.