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U10M force transducer aids torque measurement

U10M force transducer aids torque measurement

11 January 2008

HBM’s U10M tensile/compressive force transducer benefits torque measurement applications where rotating torque transducers are considered unsuitable, such as vehicle test stands. In such applications, the transducer supports the floating base machine through a defined lever arm and transforms the rotating movement into a tensile/compressive force.

The U10M provides significant benefits because of its excellent linearity and reversibility error. The symmetrical measurement body geometry gives it low sensitivity to lateral forces. In addition, any remaining lateral force sensitivity is eliminated through the electrical bending moment compensation. The U10M is not easily damaged by any peak loads that happen during testing because it has suitable overload capacity.

The robust, low-profile U10M is available for nominal (rated) forces from 1.25kN to 500kN. One force transducer type is available covering all the measuring ranges up to 25kN relevant to vehicle test stands. In combination with TEDS, the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, and the digiCLIP amplifier, U10M makes an ideal measurement chain.

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH
    Im Tiefen See 45
    64293 Darmstadt
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49 (0)6151 803-0
    Fax: +49 (0)6151 803-9100
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