New ultra-compact bridge amplifier AS200501
16 November 2020
AS200501, 3-Wire Ultra-Small Bridge Amplifier
The AS200501 is a very flexible ultra-compact board for 3-wire systems providing a current output (typically 4-20mA, but can be configured to virtually any linear gradient i.e. 0.2mA to 8.2mA, or even with mid-zero of 12mA for compression / tension transducers), designed to be mounted directly with the transducer. The unit has individual multi-turn potentiometers for the precise setting of Zero and Span. The inputs provide EMI-/RF-suppression along with a low-pass filter. Transducer wires can be easily connected to the board by soldering.
- Wide range power supply 8V-30V
- Stabilised bridge excitation voltage
- Bridge resistance 350 Ohm (or greater)
- Bridge sensitivity 0.2mV/V – 10mV/V
- Ultra-small 18mm diameter, 7mm height
- Fast calibration procedure
- Reverse-polarity protection
- Load-Cell Industrial Weighing
- Strain-gauge Load Testing & Monitoring
- Overload Protection Systems