Unique technology from Delsbo saves lives in China’s coalmines
SenseAir, in cooperation with Fiber Optic Valley and Acreo Swedish ICT, are running a multimillion-dollar project aimed at developing a new methane sensor – a new product that could mean more jobs for the Hudiksvall area. The product’s main market is the thousands of Chinese coalmines where the sensor will be used to ensure safe working conditions for the miners. The aim is to bring the product to market by the end of 2013.
− During the past year we have been working very closely with the end customer in China; among other things, we have been on a visit down a mine in China in order to gain an understanding of the demands to be met in the handling of the sensor, and also the environment in which it must function. Already today we can see that this is a new expanding market for us at SenseAir, says Christer Engnér, CEO at SenseAir.
– The product provides a good example of how innovation is created when organizations work together, says Jonas Dahlström, CEO at Fiber Optic Valley. The investment involves recruiting first-rate competence to the project, and in the long run can also mean more jobs for our region.
About the project
The project is called “new methane sensor with IR optic measurement cell” and is concerned with improving safety for miners and also avoiding unnecessary shutdowns. Methane commonly occurs in coalmines, and is a cause of both shutdowns and accidents. Pockets of methane are trapped in the coal seams and released into the working environment during mining. Gas concentrations can become so high that they exceed the explosive level with disastrous results. As in most countries, there is legislation in China that requires all mines to be equipped with sensors that can detect high levels of methane. The product is clearly superior to traditional technology and has an obvious competitive advantage in calibration, accuracy and quality.
For more information contact; Christer Engnér, CEO SenseAir, tel; 0653-71 77 70; or Jonas Dahlström, CEO Fiber Optic Valley, tel; 070-418 33 33.
SenseAir® AB
Sales Office and production: Delsbo in Hälsingland, Sverige
Sales Office: Chengdu, Kina and Tucson, USA
Business: Centre of competence for gas measurement with infrared technology. Development of carbone dioxide sensors since the late 1980s. World leader in its field. Extensive patent ownership. Offshoot companies: Nonin (Medair1999), JonDe Tech (2008).
Acreo Swedish ICT offers innovative and value-enhancing ICT solutions for sustainable growth and increased competitiveness in business and society. Our high-level competence in the field of sensors and actuators, power electronics, digital communication and Life Science makes us one of Europe’s leading research institutes. Acreo Swedish ICT has 145 employees in Kista, Gothenburg, Norrköping and Hudiksvall. Acreo is a part of Swedish ICT.
Fiber Optic Valley is one of the eleven Swedish Vinn growth clusters chosen by VINNOVA. We initiate and inspire new forms of cooperation between business, academe and the public sphere. We bring people together with each other, needs with solutions, ideas with problems and money with projects. We are active in the areas of broadband, sensor technology and innovative leadership. The business is based in Hudiksvall/Gävle/Sundsvall. Our funding is provided by VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) and Region Gävleborg. SenseAir AB is an expanding, innovation-based gas sensor company with an environment-friendly profile, situated in Dellenbygden in Hälsingland, an area of outstanding natural beauty. The company develops and produces infrared gas sensors and has a world-wide market. With 20 years of experience and through cooperation with various high-tech consortiums SenseAir has acquired a large and broad technology base and unique know-how in production methods for gas meters. The company is a world leader in its field. Our sensors can be used for: demand-controlled ventilation, personnel safety, growth maximisation, future health care, indoor and outdoor climate monitoring, energy optimisation etc.