Universal sensor controller for inductive displacement sensors
The induSENSOR MSC7401 controller is used for displacement and distance measurements in automation technologies and machine building. The controller is compatible with the inductive LVDT and LDR measuring gauges and displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon. Housed in robust aluminum, it is ideally suited to industrial applications. As well as ease-of-use, this miniature sensor controller also offers a favorable price/performance ratio.
The MSC7401 controller is designed to be operated with LVDT and LDR measuring gauges and displacement sensors. These sensors are primarily used for measuring displacement, distance, position, oscillation and vibration. This offers high application versatility for measurement tasks in automation, quality assurance, test bench, hydraulics and automotive technology.
The MSC7401 controller together with the inductive sensors from Micro-Epsilon, offer a perfect price/performance ratio which makes this system ideal for serial applications. The universal MSC7401 single-channel controller and the inductive sensors from Micro-Epsilon convince due to their robustness, compact design and reliability in industrial environments.
Parameter set up of the controller is possible via keys or the software tool included. Particularly in industrial environments, the controller demonstrates its strengths. An IP67-rated aluminum housing protects the MSC7401 from dust and water. High resolution up to 13 bits (depending on the connected sensor and the chosen frequency), and high linearity of 0.02 % FSO are further outstanding characteristics. Connection is possible via a configurable current and voltage output.