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USB measurement technology for university training

USB measurement technology for university training

20 December 2012

The measurement technology specialist HBM offers an ideal tool for the training of students in universities or industry training branches with its USB measuring amplifiers in the espressoDAQ series.

The compact amplifiers in waistcoat pocket format enable portable use at various laboratory stations. Individual modules can be directly supplied with voltage via the USB interface. In this case, a separate power supply is not necessary. The amplifiers work with the "plug & measure" principle so that students can rapidly obtain measurement results. This is also supported by the RJ45 connector for transducer connection, which can be set up directly on site.

The modules work with carrier frequency technology and have A/D converters with a resolution of 24 Bit, enabling high measured data quality. Four or eight channels, depending on the module type, can be synchronously acquired. In addition to individually configurable current or voltage inputs, measurement using strain gauges (SG) and thermocouples is also possible.

The modules are delivered together with a simple to operate software, specially tailored to espressoDAQ, for configuration, data acquisition and visualization. The students therefore require just a few steps to obtain a measurement result. The measured data can also be exported using the most current formats. In order to support student training at universities, HBM offers special university conditions for the espressoDAQ series.

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH
    Im Tiefen See 45
    64293 Darmstadt
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49 (0)6151 803-0
    Fax: +49 (0)6151 803-9100
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