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Which Speed Sensor is Best for My Application?

27 August 2013

Sensoronix: Choosing a speed sensor really depends on your application’s requirements.  Hall-effect zero speed sensor provides very precise measurement of a rotating shaft down to  zero speed which makes the Hall-Effect speed sensors ideal for applications requiring a measurement at very low velocity even down to zero speed.

This type of sensor requires external power source and provide digital square wave output with constant amplitude signal regardless of variation of the speed or airgap.

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If the application does not requires a measurement at very low speed and an Analog output (Sine wave) signal can be used, Variable reluctance speed sensor (VR) can be suitable for that application.  VR sensor’s output signal generates by a collapse of magnetic field due to the interruption by a ferrous gear tooth. This sensor (Mag-pickup) does not require an outside power source and it is used for speed sensing with a range from 30 to over 1000 inches per second with a target ranging from one tooth per revolution to 32 pitch gear.

Common applications include but not limited to Engine Control Systems, flow meter measurement, Tachometer, Ignition timing, Transmission speed, Traction Control.

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