XY Monitoring with Maximum Performance for Minimum Price
maXYmo BL from Kistler for Quality Assurance and Product Testing
With the maXYmo BL Type 5867A… (BL = Basic Level) Kistler introduces a new XY monitor for process monitoring and product testing. The very compact monitor features practical functions, a sophisticated menu concept, a bright 3,5" color touch screen display and numerous interfaces as well as representing extremely good value for money.
The main areas of application for the XY monitor maXYmo BL are monitoring joining and assembly operations, and testing products and materials. Taking press-fit processes as an example, it monitors force against displacement or force against time, and in turning or swiveling operations torque against rotation angle or torque against time.
The maXYmo BL monitors and evaluates the quality of a product or production step on the basis of a curve. It achieves this by recording the interrelation of all of the measurands that can be measured with piezoelectric or strain gage sensors on the Y-channel, and potentiometric sensors on the X-channel.
The maXYmo analyzes quality-relevant sections of the measurement curves recorded by means of measurement functions Y=f(X), Y=f(t), Y=f(X,t) or X=f(t) with the aid of evaluation objects. This involves it checking whether the curves consisting of a maximum of 8 000 pairs of XY values pass through the evaluation objects as predefined. If they do, it generates an OK, otherwise a "not OK" (NOK) result. Up to four UNI-BOX, ENVELOPE CURVE, LINE or NO-PASS type evaluation objects can be allocated for each measurement program or measurement curve.
The basic version maXYmo BL is optimized for mounting in a front panel. An optional additional case allows mounting on a vertical panel of a machine or on a desktop, and continuous adjustment of the angle of view.
For the maXYmo BL Kistler offers a wide selection of force, torque, displacement and angle sensors, which are accordingly based on the piezoelectric, strain gage or potenti-ometric measuring principle.
The maXYmo BL provides numerous functions for standard XY monitoring tasks:
- All evaluation objects can be edited by means of numerical entries or by dragging and dropping them on the graphical user interface.
- Each evaluation object can be aligned relative to absolute or dynamic reference points.
- Two real-time outputs can be allocated to a choice of the X- or the Y-channel and used for simple control functions.
- Current and historical warning messages and alarms, a diagnostic memory for recent curves and a bar chart for finding the sources of NOKs facilitate traceability in the event of problems.
- Access authorizations for different user groups protect against tampering.
- The maXYmo BL provides 16 measurement programs for 16 different types of parts.
- Via Ethernet TCP/IP, Profibus DP and digital IO interfaces, the maXYmo BL can exchange measurement data, process values and control signals and allow remote maintenance.
- Traceable measurement data and evaluation results can be exported for each part via Ethernet or USB.
- The maXYmo BL can provide the data of the record for a particular workpiece with a serial number. This comes from the PLC via bus or from the integral serial number generator.
Kistler Group
Kistler’s core competence is the development, production and use of sensors for measuring pressure, force, torque and acceleration. Kistler’s know-how and electronic systems can be used to prepare measuring signals for use in analyzing physical processes, controlling and optimizing industrial processes, improving product quality in manufacturing and improving performance in sports and rehabilitation.
Kistler offers a comprehensive range of sensors and systems for engine development, automotive engineering, plastics and metal processing, installation technology and biomechanics.
A worldwide sales presence in the form of 25 group companies and 30 distributors ensures customer proximity, application support on an individual level and short lead times.
With a staff of about 1 000, the Kistler Group is one of the world’s leading providers of dynamic measuring instrumentation. The Kistler Group achieved turnover of 166 million Swiss Francs in the 2009 financial year.