A purpose built specialist weigh bridge load cell by PT Ltd.
The HPC (High Precision Compression) is a state of the art measurement device by PT Ltd. Its highly sophisticated and super sensitive electronics are housed in a rugged fully stainless steel enclosure. Fitted with power surge arrestors, anti-rotation mechanism and inert gas filled for component longevity, the HPC provides for a true IP68 enclosure rating with greater than 300 hours protection at 1.5M immersion.
Purpose designed to meet the needs of the weighbridge and truckscale manufacturer, the HPC has formal approval like O.I.M.L., NTEP in many countries and comes with a three-year warranty and detailed accuracy calibration certificate traceable by serial number.
The HPC is manufactured by the thousands in our ISO9001 factories and are exported to over 200 countries. It is a true self aligning pendulum bearing load cell. Install it and forget it, that's what we say at PT Ltd.