Customer-specific eddy current sensors for OEMs
Micro-Epsilon provides extremely flexible solutions in the area of eddy current sensors for OEM applications. This flexibility ranges from cost-optimised sensor systems with highly integrated electronics through to innovative sensors with silver/palladium coils embedded in glass/ceramic. In this way, these sensors achieve high levels of temperature stability and service life that were previously not possible. The sensors can also be used in the most difficult operating conditions (pressure, temperature, aggressive media, high vacuum).
The sensors are easily adapted in terms of form, size and design. Separate electronics is not necessary as all the sensor’s electronic components can be incorporated in the multiple-layer ceramic substrate. Therefore, solutions with detached and with integrated electronics are now possible. Sensors with a glass/ceramic substrate are intended for applications in aerospace and defence, semiconductors, power station construction or for industrial applications with high loads. The sensors can also be used in clean rooms or in an ultra-high vacuum as they are hermetically-sealed and offer correspondingly low gas emission rates. Micro-Epsilon therefore provides a cost-efficient solution for OEMs to develop and supply eddy current sensors for individual applications in high volumes at short notice.