ITD 61 A 4 Y 9 hollow-shaft encoders. Water-cooled.
How to keep your »cool« when the going gets hot. ITD 61 A 4 Y 9 hollow-shaft encoders. Water-cooled.
Baumer: In a hot environment, for example in operating with diesel engines at high intrinsic temperatures, it is essential to provide temperature-sensitive electronic components in encoders with thermal protection if you want to keep system availability high.
Originally as special development for a special application case manufactured, water-cooled hollow shaft incremental encoders of the row ITD 61 A 4 Y 9 take current a permanent place in the program of Baumer Thalheim. With an application temperature range to +150 °C, with electrically isolated hollow shaft and resistant stainless steel housing, the incremental encoders dispose over ideal mechanical characteristics for permanent operations on rough conditions.
Hollow shaft diameters of 30 to 45 millimeters, resolutions up to 4096 impulses per revolution as well as TTL-or HTL output signals open devices of this row for a wide spectrum in areas of application - in the glass industry and ceramics industry just as in foundries and other facilities, in which a hot climate marks in day-to-day production.