Magtrol’s next generation of load pins offer improved safety and security
Rossens, Switzerland – Magtrol, SA has announced its latest development in our line of load pins. The LE 500 Series Load Pin incorporates strain gauge technology and Built-In Test Equipment (B.I.T.E) to allow electrical in-line control of the load pin. This new electronic module enables the user to determine the sensor status in relation to its functioning, overload or short circuit. Redundant or X-Y versions are also available. The introduction of this newest load pin secures our position as a leader in the fields of load and overload control for cranes, hoists and lifts.
The LE 500 Series Load Pin has been designed using compact construction complying with the latest requirements in terms of safety, security and EMC/EMI (Electromagnetic Compatibility and Immunity) regulations. This load pin is specifically designed for outdoor applications including lifts, cranes, hoisting gears, winches, offshore and harbor equipment.
Magtrol load pins are available in 9 standard models ranging from 5 to 1250 kN with strain gauge bridge output (mV/V) or with an integrated amplifier offering a 4-20 mA (2 or 3 wire) or a 0-10 VDC signal. Custom made special designs (load pins and load cells) are available with a measuring range of up to 5000 kN.
For more information on our products please visit www.magtrol.com or contact our sales department: