Micro-encoder EcoMag – the high-performance dwarf
Baumer: EcoMag, the magnetic incremental encoder series marked by ruggedness and efficiency is completed by an-other ultra-sturdy miniaturized configuration - BRIV 30R. Only 30 mm in diameter, IP 67 protection, an ex-tended temperature range down to -40°C and a steel flange create an encoder that was made for use under extreme conditions. Less any optical components it is ultra-resistant to shocks, vibrations and temperature and typically applied in position sensing at harvesters, construction site machinery and all kinds of heavy duty vehicles.
EcoMag BRIx 30R follows the Baumer tradition of high-quality micro-sized encoders. Together with its counterpart in the field of absolute encoders, MAGRES BMMV 30, Baumer provides a high-performance en-coder duo that comes into play everywhere confined space plays a decisive role.