Non-contacting rotary encoder for space-restricted installation: Contelec’s compact and durable Vert-X 05E available from Variohm EuroSensor
Variohm EuroSensor: Contelec’s ultra-compact and durable Vert-X 05E encoder perfectly suits precision rotary position control applications in heavy duty machinery where space is restricted and where simple installation and competitive cost are important factors.
Available in the UK with full engineering support from Variohm EuroSensor the Vert-X 05E sensor element is just 5 mm thick and its diminutive size allows measurement very close to walls and other boundaries. The sensor has 12-bit resolution in a choice of single or redundant output for 0.5V…4.5V or 10…90% of programmed input voltage (5V DC). The sensor’s repeatability is within 0.1? and versions are available for 0 to 360? or factory programmed in 10? increments with special range options available on request. The intendant linearity is dependent upon the radial alignment with a typical value from +/-0.3%.
With complete mechanical separation between the Vert-X 05E’s sensor element and the magnetic actuator the new sensor offers an effective limitless life. The sensor and magnet housings are encapsulated in high-grade temperature resistant epoxy resin which is impervious to ingress with the opportunity that the angle measurement can be made through non-magnetic liquid or solid materials. The direction sense is simply reversed by flipping the sensor element which is secured by two small screws. The sensor’s environmental specification extends to high level resistance to shock and vibration as well as similarly excellent electrical characteristics for emissions.
About Variohm EuroSensor
Variohm EuroSensor is a manufacturer, distributor and supply chain partner providing complete sales and application support across a comprehensive range of position, force, pressure, load, and temperature sensor technologies - for demanding measurement applications across industry, construction, agriculture, motorsports, research and more.