Over 3,500 Sensors Available with Plug & Play USB
FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc.: Simple technology isn’t always effective. And advanced technology isn’t always efficient. But what if there was an integrated sensor system that was BOTH simple and advanced? There is – it’s FUTEK’s USB Solutions Kit, a platform that is not only user friendly, but expansive in sensor data retrieval.
Available for over 3,500 FUTEK models, this USB Solutions Kit eliminates the intimidation of data logging, graphing, and calibrating. It replaces the need for amplifiers, filters, and power sources with its easy plug & play system, making it ideal for strain gauge data retention. By replacing the need for additional components, FUTEK’s USB Solutions Kit is an affordable answer to load, force, pressure, and torque measurements.
FUTEK’s USB Solutions Kit has the software capabilities of continuous data logging, live graphing, system calibrating, mathematical computing, and many other configurations that will allow the user to customize data retrieval per application. With 3 models (USB210, USB220, USB230), these USB Kits can be tailored to each users application needs.
Future sensor technology revolves around ease, affordability, and proficiency; so why wait for the future to incorporate these benefits into your current data retention applications.