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New Flexplate torque meter based on sensor telemetry enables dynamic power flow monitoring in automobile drive trains

New Flexplate torque meter based on sensor telemetry enables dynamic power flow monitoring in automobile drive trains

12 May 2012

The design of the drive train as well as the optimization of the engine controls is of increasing importance when measuring the dynamic torque between the vehicle engines and transmissions with high precision. Torque data calculated from the engine controls has proven to be unreliable. Manner has now developed a special technique for refining production flexplates to create high-quality torque meters with an accuracy class of 0.1. The sensor requires no extension of the drive train, nor does it influence the drive train's dynamic properties. At the heart of the sensor is a specially designed transducer with extremely low crosstalk behaviour when subjected to axial, bending, and lateral force loads. E-module compensation is carried out to ensure accuracy over a wide temperature range (from -40° to +160°C). This is performed electronically with the aid of an additional temperature measurement channel and mechanical calibration with respect to temperature. This means that, for the first time, dynamically high-precision power flow measurements can be performed in the drive train.

The data measured by the strain gauge based transducer is transmitted in a non-contact mode by Manner's proven digital sensor telemetry technology with its 16 bit resolution. Other special features are the high temperature resistance (up to 160°C) and the high fatigue resistance during ongoing driving operations.

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