Paper on Long Wave Infrared Bolometer and Wafer Bonding to be presented at SPIE DSS Conference April 6, 2010
17 March 2010, Sensonor Technologies AS is developing un-cooled infrared sensors (FPA) for thermal imaging cameras. Sensonor will present a paper at the upcoming SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (DSS) discussing some of its achievements in the area of design and fabrication. The conference will take place April 5th to 9th in Orlando, FL, US.
The talk is entitled “High-performance long wave infrared bolometer fabricated by wafer bonding”. It will be held by Dr. Adriana Lapadatu, Senior Engineer at Sensonor. According to Dr. Lapadatu; “A novel microbolometer with peak responsivity in the long wave infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation is under development. It is a focal plane array of pixels with a 25μm pitch, based on monocrystalline Si/SiGe quantum wells as IR sensitive material. The novelty of the proposed 3D process integration comes from the choice of several of the materials and key processes involved, which allow a high fill factor and provide improved transmission/absorption properties. Together with the high TCR and low 1/f noise provided by the thermistor material, they will lead to bolometer performances beyond those of existing devices.”
About Sensonor Technologies AS
Sensonor is a global leader in high precision MEMS technology; designing and manufacturing advanced, integrated gyro and pressure sensors for harsh environments. Based on a continuous MEMS activity since 1965, Sensonor pioneered the introduction of MEMS accelerometers and gyros to the automotive market and also became the leading supplier of tire pressure sensors.