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Best credit rating for Baumer again

Best credit rating for Baumer again

17 June 2024

This year again, the Baumer Group proved its rock-solid financial power by top ratings by Dun & Bradstreet. As in the previous years, the agency rated the creditworthiness of the Baumer Group with top score of 1. The Rating Certificate awards companies a seal of quality and reassures Baumer as a trustworthy and attractive business partner. A stable corporate situation and excellent payment practice are prerequisites for this rating certificate, which only 2% of all Swiss companies are allowed to hold.

"Baumer is a reliable partner in every respect. In terms of products, of customer care and when it comes to minimizing business risks. We are very happy of this having been officially confirmed by the top rating by Dun & Bradstreet as an independent body," says Dr. Oliver Vietze, CEO of the Baumer Group. For 12 years in a row, Dun & Bradstreet has rated the family-owned Group of companies the best possible degree of creditworthiness.

The financial power of Baumer ensures maximum independence in pursuing long-term strategic goals. These include a consistently high level of investment in research and development to continuously offer customers measurable added value by outstanding Sensor and Machine Vision Solutions. Dr. Oliver Vietze: "To us as a technology leader, our financial power allows to continuously push forward our product developments, independent from economic fluctuations."

  • Baumer Group
    P.O. Box
    Hummelstrasse 17
    8501 Frauenfeld
    Switzerland / Europe
    Tel.: +41 (0)52 728 1122
    Fax: +41 (0)52 728 1144
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