Sensors for Terahertz Spectroscopy and Quantum Cascade Lasers
greenTEG AG: Dr. Susanne Droescher (greenTEG AG) and Manfred Gonnert (Thorlabs GmbH) discuss the application of thermopile sensors for terahertz spectroscopy and quantum cascade lasers in Optik & Photonik Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 22–25, February 2015
High-precision laser power measurement plays a crucial role in many laser applications, be it in the lab or in industrial settings. Only if the power of a laser can be measured precisely, the laser can be used correctly. The precise measurement of infrared lasers, for example quantum cascade lasers, and terahertz radiation used to be challenging because of a lack of adequate measurement tools. A novel measurement solution developed by Thorlabs GmbH now closes this gap. In collaboration with greenTEG AG, an ETH Zurich spin-off, Thorlabs developed a measurement head, which detects the power in the low μW-range independently of the wavelength of the laser. A low rise time of less than a second guarantees fast measurement results.