High-speed distance and thickness measurements
Micro-Epsilon: Due to the confocal chromatic measuring principle, displacements, distances and thickness can be measured rapidly with high precision on diffuse as well as reflecting surfaces. Micro-Epsilon presents the worldwide fastest confocal chromatic controller for dynamic monitoring tasks.
Providing a measuring rate of 70kHz, the confocalDT 2471 HS high speed controller is currently the worldwide fastest confocal chromatic controller with integrated light source in the world market. The controller offers more powerful measurement characteristics, enhanced optical components and operates with integrated light source, reducing maintenance and purchase costs significantly. The confocalDT 2471 HS is compatible with all sensor types of the IFS series. The controller is primarily used for high speed measurement and monitoring tasks in the glass and electronics industry.
With the confocal chromatic measuring principle, polychromatic light (white light) is focused onto the target surface by a multilens optical system. The lenses are arranged so that the white light is dispersed into a monochromatic light by controlled chromatic aberration. A specific distance to the target is assigned to each wavelength by a factory calibration. In the sensor system, this wavelength of light is used for the measurement, which is exactly focused on the target. The light reflected from this point is imaged by an optical arrangement onto a light sensitive sensor element, on which the associated spectral colour is detected and evaluated. In the case of multi-peak measurements, several distance points are accordingly evaluated. Due to the axial beam path there are no shadowing effects, enabling measurements even in bore holes.
With the confocal chromatic measuring principle, polychromatic light (white light) is focused onto the target surface by a multilens optical system. The lenses are arranged so that the white light is dispersed into a monochromatic light by controlled chromatic aberration. A specific distance to the target is assigned to each wavelength by a factory calibration. In the sensor system, this wavelength of light is used for the measurement, which is exactly focused on the target. The light reflected from this point is imaged by an optical arrangement onto a light sensitive sensor element, on which the associated spectral colour is detected and evaluated. In the case of multi-peak measurements, several distance points are accordingly evaluated. Due to the axial beam path there are no shadowing effects, enabling measurements even in bore holes.