Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Company information:
Whereever positions and angles need measuring with the utmost precision, sensors from Novotechnik are the first-choise solution. the expertise in measuring technology that we have amassed in the course of more than 65 years is just one of the secrets behind a success story that began back in 1947.
The other cornerstones of our success inculde a passion for technology and a obsession with precision and reliability. Then there is our delight in devising solutions, coupled with a fascination with new materials and production meth-ods. And of course there is our constant awareness of the importance of providing sound advice and top-class service, as we strive day-by-day to optimisie our measuring systems. But the true secret of our success has always been our passsionate pursuit of the best possible solution for each individual customer application. And to ensure that we remain the first-choice partner for our customers, in future we will be staying focused on the strengths that made us the successful company that we are today.
Just how high our quality requirements are is documented by the fact that we were one of the first companies in the world to have its operations certified to ISO/TS 16949. At well-known automotive suppliers Novotechnik is A-supplier. From our customer Bosch we have been repeatedly awarded the "Supplier Award." More than 50 million sensors without field claims indicate a high reliability. And at Novotechnik the process that begins with stringent and de-manding specifications ends with a 100 % inspection of every single product. That way, we can be sure that every product we manufacture works perfectly.
At Novotechnik Ostfildern are working approximately 200 employees. Here we develop and manufacture sensors and sensor systems for linear and rotary measurement for applications in industrial and automotive industry. A subsidiary in U.S. and China as well as trading partners in over 25 countries support the international market cover.
Motivated employees
A highly modern and automated production processes deliver precision and quality. To analyse the needs and requirements of our customers worldwide and to offer appropriate products and services at competitive prices is our highest goal. To achieve this, we always invest in research and development. We use environmentally friendly production methods and tools. Novotechnik pursued in all its business processes, a strategy involving both environmental and social aspects and technical requirements. This is our corporate philoso-phy and also a prerequisite to be able to answer with cutting edge technology and top performance challenges with future solutions..
Our partners
In order to guarantee maximum quality, we develop, design, manufacture and assemble the majority of our products ourselves at our sophisitacted production facilities in Ostfildern near Stuttgart. Whenever we are unable to make the required product ourselves, we can rely on the support of a selection of proven and renowned partner companies. As a result, we are in a position to fill almost every order of any size from anywhere in the world.
Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG