Texys International have been developing for a while some typical temperature infrared sensor to monitor temperature distribution over a material width.
Our 8ch infrared sensor has been successful for applications where available room between target and sensor is not a problem. For closed distance measurement, we have now completed the development of our new concept : IRN-RC
IRN-RC is made of a Multi Head flexible PCB + one Master Control Box (MCB) supplying CAN data; data collected by a digital bus from Infrared temperature sensors (one channel per sensor). IRN-RC is designed to accept for 3 to 8 sensors.
A lot of configuration are possible and customized by our customers.
The temperature range is low temperature, 200°C.
Parameters suchs as Identifiers, Baud Rate, frequency are user programmable
Supply Voltage is 6 to 16v as these products are designed for Embedded Testing
2 Fields of View are available 45° and 90° allowing measurement distance for 2 to 100mm.
Operating temperatures are from -20 to 85°C.