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Battery calorimetry using heat flux sensors

21 January 2016

greenTEG AG: Battery calorimetry is important to increase the safety and quality of batteries. Standard battery calorimeters are however expensive and the experiments time consuming. greenTEG’s thin and highly sensitive heat flux sensors make calorimetric measurements affordable and feasible for any system and application.

gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensors’ Advantages

greenTEG offers thin heat flux sensors in a variety of sizes with a very high sensitivity. They can be easily integrated into application setups. With greenTEG’s heat flux sensors you can conduct the following tasks on your battery:

  • Measure the amount of heat flowing into and out of the battery
  • Determine the charging and discharging signal of the battery
  • Enhanced monitoring in order to increase the lifetime and charging speed
  • Determine the State of Health of a battery
  • Quantify the thermal capacity allowing for a faster determination of inner temperature during use

“At our Battery Calorimetry Lab the gSKIN® Heat Flux Sensor facilitates the determination of the heat transfer coefficient for Lithium-ion batteries that is necessary to transfer the measured temperature data into heat data. These data help to improve the thermal management system for the batteries, making them much safer.“

--Carlos Ziebert, Head of the Battery Calorimeter Lab at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Applied Materials–Applied Materials Physics

Further information is available here:

Contact us at if you have any questions regarding calorimetric measurements of batteries with heat flux sensors.

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