CG Series Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Sensors for Medical Devices
In the operation of various medical devices, the accurate delivery of medical liquids such as blood or dialysis fluid in the tubing is a crucial prerequisite. If there are abnormalities in the fluid flow rate, it could lead to severe consequences.
Therefore, accurately measuring the changes in fluid flow rate within the device tubing is a key issue that manufacturers need to focus on.
The XY-TEK CG series ultrasonic flow sensors/flow meters provide medical device manufacturers with a non-invasive solution for verifying/monitoring the performance of fluid pumps of the devices.
The non-invasive design makes CG series particularly suitable for medical devices with high accuracy flow measurement demand, such as ECMO, hemodialysis machines, cardiopulmonary bypass machines, surgical perfusion systems, organ transplantation systems, heart-lung machines, blood pumps, etc.