Color sensors for mechanical engineering
Eltrotec has launched a new True Color color sensor, thereby adding the T series to its colorCONTROL range. The T series is available with a fixed-focus lens and as a fiber optic version.
The new T series in the colorCONTROL color sensor range detects values from the RGB and L*a*b color space. Three different colors can be “taught in” using membrane buttons. An additional button allows five-fold tolerance adjustment for each color. The sensor emits light via a white LED, captures the reflected or transmitted light and compares it with a stored RGB or intensity value. In so doing, it compensates for deviations from the taught-in values both for the light intensity and for the distance. The T series measures up to 15,000 pulses per second and is thus ideal both for standard and high-speed production lines. The main areas of application for this sensor are the packaging, automotive, semiconductor, printing and paper industry as well as the electronics industry. Light spot geometries from 0.5 mm can be produced using various focus lenses. A fixed-focus lens is used for working distances of 30 to 60 mm, while the fiber optic version covers distances of 1 to 15 mm. By sorting parts correctly by color and detecting components of the wrong color, the new sensor concept helps to minimize errors and increase the efficiency and profitability of production facilities. The T series can also be operated using the supplied software, which can reliably detect colors lying close together or overlapping colors or intensities. The color locations are shown in an integrated graphic so that the user can rest assured about the reliability of the process at all times.
All-in-one solution for color detection
Eltrotec offers a wide range of color sensors, which now includes the new concept colorCONTROL T. It includes very low-cost sensors for the detection of three colors as well as enhanced models for up to 255 colors and with a resolution significantly less than Delta E ≈ 1. For testing LEDs for color, intensity, function or binning, Eltrotec has developed the analysis system colorCONTROL MFA, which can test up to 100 measuring points in parallel for self-luminous systems.