Going beyond limits: Ultrasonic sensors U500/UR18 feature the shortest blind range at yet long sensing distance available on the market
Baumer: Thanks to the unique sensor element, the sensor families U500 and UR18 with IO-Link are not only more robust than all comparable sensors on the market, but their extremely short blind range at yet very long sensing distance brings requirements to a whole new level.
Normally, the blind range correlating with long sensing distance is often an obstacle in sensor integration. With such a short blind range Baumer breaks the laws of physics. Conventionally, the blind range amounts to 10-15% of the total sensing range which is due to a physical phenomenon. Baumer however succeeded in cutting it down to world benchmarking 2%. In practice, this means merely 20 mm blind range at an overall sensing distance of up to 1000 mm. This is absolutely unique and unmatched.
Such product characteristics allow for multifaceted and versatile applications regarding object or medium to be detected and the prevailing installation and environmental conditions. Users with frequently changing application requirements on sensing distance and blind range usually require more sensor variants, since standard ultrasonic sensors with narrow blind range only provide limited sensing range. Requirements on long sensing distance must compromise on blind range, but not when using the U500/UR18 ultrasonic sensors from Baumer. To users this means cutting down the sensor variants to a single one, since the sensor fully covers the long sensing distance between 20 and 1000 mm. This also simplifies sensor alignment and design-in which and reduces engineering costs.
Furthermore, both sensor families enable precise, flexible and application-specific parameterization via IO-Link interface. The sonic beam size, for example, quickly and easily adapts to container opening and fluid to be detected. The sensors provide real added value by secondary diagnostic and process data. This results in increased system effectiveness and sustainable process optimization.