High performance ultrasonic through beam sensor for 2.5m (200Hz)
SNT Sensortechnik AG: Ultrasonic sensors are perfectly suited for detection of objects with very different surfaces and under bad environmental conditions (dust, dirt, fog, bright light). A disadvantage is their relatively low measuring speed, caused by the slow speed of sound compared e.g. to the speed of light. Moreover, the so called blind range of ultrasonic scanner type sensors (transmitter and receiver in the same sensor) might be sometimes a disadvantage, too.
Those disadvantages are eliminated with the ultrasonic through beam sensors UPB. In the same way as with a light barrier, the full range between transmitter and receiver can be used. There is no blind range. The measuring speed of 200Hz is very high as well. The microprocessor controlled UPB series combines high acoustic power with small size. The high measuring speed combined with the large measuring range of 2500mm are the outstanding characteristics of the new UPB 2500 ultrasonic through beam sensors.