Latest version supports QuantumX and Vista for immediate test results"
HBM has launched version 6.0 of its catman Professional measurement software to support its latest universal QuantumX amplifiers and run in Windows Vista.
The software provides the user with the complete spectrum of functions ranging from configuration through data acquisition, visualization and analysis of test data as well as documentation of test results. catman Professional is particularly suited to complex test and measurement applications through multiple options that enable the software to be adopted to users’ specific requirements.
For example, the graphical user interfaces for data visualization can be freely designed giving engineers greater freedom to investigate critical aspects while catmanScript, the integrated script language, allows customized automated measurement sequences to be programmed. catman Professional has an integrated ActiveX interface that can be used to extend catman with additional components and functions and integrate the measurement system into host systems.
Predefined measurement sequences – called catModules – allow complete measurements to be configured and started and the results to be readily visualized. Measurement and test sequences can be subsequently documented at the push of a button. Full traceability of measurements is guaranteed because the device configuration is saved together with the measurement data.
The Plug and Play software contains an integrated sensor database that enables, for example, a new measurement task to be configured with only a few clicks. cat-man Professional 6.0 continues HBM’s focus on providing users the best in measurement technology through the complete measurement chain from a single source ranging from sensor through amplifier and software.