Level Measurement DuoSeries LB 470RID
BERTHOLD Technologies: DuoSeries LB 470 is the radiometric level measurement from Berthold in true 2-wire technology, which is now also available with radiation interference detection (RID). The level measurement system with RID consists of a Co-60 measuring source and the UniSENS rod detector or the high sensitive SuperSENS detector along with a separate evaluation unit for display and operation. The detector mounted at the measuring point is connected to the evaluation unit LB 470RID via a two-wire cable.
If you want to continue measuring despite impending external radiation, then the "LB470RID" version is the right choice. The measurement continues without interruption, even if external radiation is present. External radiation is detected because of its different energy. The detector changes over to a second measuring channel and continues the measurement without error. This patented process makes the system particularly reliable. RID has been field tested for many years. In the new LB 470 series, operation with RID has been made significantly more user-friendly, making system calibration fool-proof!
Berthold Technologies has published the whitepaper “Managing Interference Radiation in Nucleonic Level Measurements”, wherein the common sources of interference radiation is identified and how affects nucleonic measurements is explained. The paper elaborates on how Berthold Technologies with its highly sophisticated RID feature helps plant operators to maintain a reliable and repeatable measurement.