New features of RF627Smart laser profiler
RIFTEK - 27 September 2021 - Our development team constantly communicates directly with customers and partners. This feedback is very important to us and we try to satisfy and anticipate customer’s requirements for our devices as much as possible. Exactly because of this reason we have implemented new major features of RF627Smart laser profiler, detailed description of which you can find in the updated manual on our website https://riftek.com/upload/iblock/9b9/2D_Laser_Scanners_eng.pdf.
Briefly about these functions:
1. Now, besides of approximation by segments we provide the possibility of approximation by arcs. It improves accuracy and stability of the approximation, which is one of the key points for further processing of the profile and the work of the calculation graph.
2. We have added new smart blocks:
- for data exchange with industrial robots;
- to track weld position with welding robots (as separate blocks for different types of welds, and a block that allows you to switch the type of seam); We’d like to note, that It is the first step to RF627Weld-Smart scanner we plan to offer soon.
- to control the parameters of the profiler - the laser, the region of interest (ROI), the CMOS sensor.
3. We developed Smart block for automatic detecting a custom template in the profile.
Now user can create his own template. The template elements will be automatically detected in the scanned profile. We have prepared an intuitive template editor, so that there is no need to delve deeply into the process of a template creating. The template editor allows you to quickly create a template from the current profile or from a representation of how the profile should look, even without having a real sample.
4. We developed a smart block for executing and editing scripts (we use a language similar to C - "rfc" as a basis), and this way we give our users the opportunity to have full control over the processing of the profile inside profiler. If we have not provided something, you can implement the functionality by yourself - just write a script in a language, similar to one of the most popular in the world. In the future, we will develop an affordable functionality, up to the network exchange and image processing capabilities.
5. We added new methods of signal processing: - automatic trim of areas with a low brightness (Intensity clipping) and a very cool feature, - automatic removal of background illumination from the image for profile extraction. These functions are very useful when scanner works in condition of glare from sun and other power sources of light.