New level sensor to detect even process water
Sensor expert Baumer now has made continuous level measurement more convenient and easier. New sensor CombiLevel PLP70 automatically adapts to outstandingly varied media and offers user-friendly process monitoring thanks to the large touch display. To users, the most interesting innovation of the PLP70 potentiometric level sensor is its performance in media of low minimum conductivity. Before, previous sensor LSP was able to measure media with a conductivity starting at 50 microsiemens/cm. Which now has been surpassed by the PLP70. It will even detect extremely low-conducting process media (starting at 10 microsiemens). This is pushing PLP70 far beyond conventional limits and allows for use in media such as process water. "The PLP70 performs outstandingly efficient in a large variety of media or frequent media changes. Thanks to the media-independent measuring principle, the sensor ensures ultrahigh precision and repeatability even in the most demanding applications," says product manager Julian Budde. According to Budde, such demanding applications are low-conducting pasty, adhering or foaming media which are difficult to measure.
Short response times and ultrahigh precision enhance efficiency
Potentiometric level sensor PLP70 - of course with IO-Link interface - enables efficient process monitoring and control with maximum flexibility. The extremely accurate and reliable measurement results offer convenient process optimization, i.e. precise monitoring of filling levels in feeding containers and storage tanks. Thanks to the short response time of less than 100 milliseconds, the PLP70 is ideal for highly dynamic processes like fast changing levels in filling lines. High-precision and fast level measurement immediately pays off thanks to maximum exploitation of material and resources.
Deployment of potentiometric level sensors without floater like PLP70 ranges from industrial applications (process tanks, cleaning and filter plants, water treatment installations, agricultural machinery) to hygienic applications (filling lines, storage and buffer tanks, process tanks, filter and cleaning facilities).
Eased monitoring and control with the Baumer display
PLP70 features the proven Baumer display. All required information is clearly provided and can be seen at a single glance. "The background changing color significantly eases process monitoring since the current process status is clearly indicated and can be seen even from a distance," explains product manager Julian Budde. The Baumer touch display known from the temperature, pressure, conductivity and flow sensors allows for convenient user intervention straight at the sensor. Now, all Baumer process sensors feature a standardized display.
New Baumer level sensor CombiLevel PLP70 with standard digital IO-Link interface and analog output is premiering at the drinktec in Munich. At the trade show for the beverage industry (12-16 September), users from industrial and hygiene sectors are invited to see for themselves the multifaceted application of the latest Baumer process sensor innovation.